Episode 4: Coffee with Ant aka The Magic Roast
Ant is a home barista, confessed coffee nerd, coffee blogger and all round bloody legend. He is originally from Hawkes Bay but now calls Wellington home, the coffee capital of New Zealand.
Hey, all you beautiful coffee lovers!
I hope you are all doing super well? I am so excited (as always) to bring you a new episode of the Home Barista Podcast and extra excited to bring the second collab episode.
In this episode, I am joined by a great friend of mine Ant aka The Magic Roast over on Substack. Ant is a home barista, confessed coffee nerd, coffee blogger and all-around bloody legend. He is originally from Hawkes Bay but now calls Wellington home, the coffee capital of New Zealand.Â
When recording this episode we hit nearly 2 hours of conversation as we were both buzzing the whole way through and had such a great conversation about so many different topics. The main topics we touched on were running, speciality coffee**, instant coffee, coffee trends, being social media coffee influencers, writing content for coffee blogs and what people think it looks like from the outside looking in.
I hope you enjoy the second collab episode here on the Home Barista Podcast. I would love to hear your thoughts and any feedback on today's episode and any of the past episodes by dropping me an email at thedrummingbarista@gmail.com or on the newly created TDB Discord or via a DM on Instagram at The Drumming Barista.
Keen to support the show with a monetary gift? It is not expected but very much appreciated. I have big plans for this podcast and I am putting monetary gifts towards investing in a new microphone and camera to help take the audio and visual quality to another level. If this is something that you would like to do, then click here to learn more over at Buy Me A Coffee.
Big Love
** We talk about many coffee brands including Flight Coffee, Rocket Coffee, First Hand Coffee, Nespresso, Supreme and many more.